Saturday, July 24, 2010

God's goodness

Well, after much prayer, tears, joy and fear, the time has come to go to Uganda!  I will be arriving there in January, and returning in June of 2011!  I have been accepted into the Institute of Child and Family.  So for my first trip there, I will be allowing God to dig into my heart and mind, revealing things that keep me from Him, keep me from ministering His heart effectively, as well as getting hands on experience working with kids orphaned by a variety of circumstances.  How great He is to care for the ones who are left with out home and love!  This is the God I serve!  The One who gave His life for the least, which is me, you, and everyone else on the planet, ever.  I am so loved by this God, whose name is Love, and who paid the highest price for me, how could I not give Him everything?  How could I not share this hope of love and home with anyone who is taking in breath?  Despite this Love, I don't share Him like I could, but I want to, Lord give me boldness to share Your Love with those who don't yet know You.
Okay, these are the questions I keep getting asked, so I'll save you the trouble and answer them ahead of time:
What about my job? 
I will apply for a leave of abscence for the time I'll be gone, so I have a job when I return.  I just don't know how long I'll be back in the states for, which may make it hard for them to accept me back.  Pray that God would reveal to me what needs to happen in this area.

What about my apartment?
I'm not keeping it, I plan on living with friends when I return, that way I don't have to pay rent or find someone to live in my place while I'm gone.
Also, I'm praying about leaving my place early, and staying with friends until I leave to save money.  Please pray with me about that.

What about Poser, the cat?
He needs a home!  Anyone looking for a handsome, purring, soft, dog-like sometimes bad cat that will sit on your lap while you watch tv, sleep with you at night and then bite you with no notice?  :)  If interested, let me know! 

Those are the basics.  Feel free to ask me any questions you'd like to! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well My Miss Jenny,
I can only say that I am proud - if God will allow that here... I'm sure He will because He no doubt shares my sentiment of seeing how you are "allowing Him" to work in your heart. So many believers fail to allow Him that kind of control... in really that kind of freedom in one's heart.. and it is hard to do, so many distractions to deal with, so it is with great pride I commend to you for your obedience, your love of Christ and how you are willing to allow Him to show that love to others through you. Your decision has been bathed in much prayer by both of us and that will continue and there is such great comfort in that. Hallelujah! We praise you Father and thank you.
with much love
Your Dad