Monday, March 29, 2010

Still At It

Hello all, I wanted to post and let you know how its going, what is the latest, and to let you know after my last post that I am not severely depressed or suicidal. I was  struggling, but struggling with hope.  I'd love to answer your questions if you have any about why I wrote what I did, it would take more space than I have here to do it justice, but I would love to talk more if you have questions.

I heard from New Hope Uganda, and they asked if I was still interested in coming in January of 2011.  I said that I was, but also that I could wait if needed, as I trust the Lord's timing.  I don't know what that means, but they said they would get back to me in a shorter time than the previous span when I had not heard from them.  So, keep praying!  We'll see what God does!

I attached a link to a NY times article that gives an update about what the LRA and Joseph Kony are up to now.  I prayed for a long time that he would be kicked out of Uganda, and aparently he has left there, but only to wage more terror on other people in the Democratic Republic of the Cogno, and the Central African Republic.  Everything he does is so incredibly evil, please pray for God to bring him to justice and to Himself.  Many people prayed for Kony to leave Uganda, and he has.  Its proof our prayers are at work, we need to keep praying, as only an infinite and all powerful God can stop this kind of evil.  Please pray, people are being killed daily, kids are being abducted to be soldiers and child brides daily.  Even the smallest prayer is powerful, because it is spoken to the Most High God. 

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