Monday, October 27, 2008

Go ahead...

I am so excited! Last week, Rev. Ken wrote to the Diocese in Northern Uganda (DNU) and I wrote to Willy Akena, who has a blog for the DNU, and both said that I could come!! They did say that they don't have any money to support me, which I figured, honestly, I didn't even think that would have been a possibility. So they said we could start getting to know each other better.

Rev. Ken said that he would introduce me to a couple who was on the mission field in Africa for a lot of years to get information from them about what kinds of questions to be asking and information to look for.

I was praying that God would open a door, just so that I knew I was still on the right track, and He was faithful as always to answer my prayer. I'm so grateful to be in service of this mighty God who knows my name, and sees the plight of the poor and needy and holds the whole universe together without loosing track of anything. Thank you all for your prayers! Keep it up!!

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