Tuesday, January 11, 2011

making it

So, I'm here!  I have been here for a week and some change.  I am currently sitting in the dark, because the power is out.  I am blogging by candlelight and hearing the bats in my attic make their noises.  Two nights ago, I had a bat in my room.  I'm not gonna lie, I was calm at first and then screamed when it was flying around after I got out from under my mosquito net.  I could not then return to my room and go back to sleep, and I can always, always sleep.  Here I am, in Africa.  I'm not in Kansas anymore!  I love everything, except the bat in my banda (Luganda for my little cabin type dwelling).
I got to meet up with my family group today, it was a lot of fun.  This family group has about 18 kids, but only 5 girls.  I was talking to them while they did their laundry and when they were done, I asked them if they wanted to touch my hair.  (I was guessing they hadn't ever felt a muzugu's hair before)  They were very excited and loved how soft it was, (I don't have a blow dryer, therefore, no gel, therefore, baby soft hair) and they started putting it into microbraids right away.  I asked them to tell me a story.  One girl named Martha was telling a story about a monkey, a lion, and a chameleon.  The lion was doing all of this work in the monkey's garden, but then the monkey wouldn't share any food with him.  She kept going from english to luganda and the other girls were laughing.  It was so fun just to sit with them and learn about each other.
I'll be seeing my family group about 5 times a week, so it will be great to have meals, devotions and just play time with everyone.  I can't wait to see how God speaks to them, and through them.
Speaking of God, things were so busy before I left, my prayer life went down the drain.  Tonight I was able to spend a lot of time before Him, just praising, confessing, thanking and uplifting, and I can't begin to tell you how great it was to confess my sins and receive His grace.  It was so good to just be close to my Father, and pour out my heart and feel His love and presence. 
God is definitely in this place.  His love is everywhere I look and His name is revered.  One of the classes that graduated a couple of years ago, had a retreat/reunion time this weekend in Kampala.  I was so impressed with what they chose to give their time to.  They got caught up, but more than that, they took time to see how everyone was in their walk with the Lord, and what He is doing in their lives.  They prayed for one another, and looked at all they could do to support each other in what the Father is calling them to.  It was so deep, amazing, and real.  I couldn't help but think of my class reunion, where most people were drinking, and there was a lot of display of "I'm doing such and such, what have you done since high school??"  How amazing would it be if everyone when they got together really cared about how the other was doing more than displaying their accomplishments? 
We are in the midst of "Envisioning" this week, which is a time for all of the New Hope staff, from all over the country to come and focus on what God wants for the coming year.  I look forward to extended times of worship, and getting to know the heart of what this organization is about even more. 
Prayer points:
1.  I am just now starting the course work, and want to do a good job, keeping up, and with serving my family group.
2.  Pray that I would continue to have great time with the Lord, and I wouldn't loose focus because I'm busy.
3.  Pray that I will be a blessing in whatever way God wants to use me here, and that I can be a blessing to those back home in some small way.
4.  Most important, that God would be glorified.

I love and miss you all!  Till next time!

1 comment:

Kelsy Crutchfield said...

So glad to see you're finally where you want to be. You're inspiring, my suitie! :)