Saturday, January 15, 2011


I just have to tell you all about tonight.  It was so cool!  If this post had a sound track, it would be David Crowder's song, "Church Music-Dance" on his church music album.  Bty, it is a dance song in EVERY sense. The whole ministry is here for Envisioning and so we had a meal together.  Ever year they choose a different kind of food.  We had western Ugandan food.  There were 9 dishes all together, so there was a TON to eat.  The women sat on the floor and the men sat on the benches.  The men had their hands washed first and ate first.  Back at the ton of food, on my plate was all 9 dishes, including some sauce you put on everything.  My plate was heaped full, think Thanksgiving times 3.  I couldn't finish it all.
Next we took all the mats out and benches out to learn some traditional dancing.  They explained how the dances were usually to other gods, or to the animals themselves, but that we were dancing and singing for Jesus, because He has the victory and we want to thank Him.  What came next was so much fun!  There was all kinds of singing, dancing and clapping.  Everyone was so free and had so much fun.  There was laughing and just joy.  I was smiling and laughing and clapping, and I realized how good God is, to have brought me here.  I was so full of love and joy and laughter, I almost cried, but I just focused on having fun instead.  I could feel God's pleasure in all that we were doing, and how touched His heart was, at His children singing and dancing so freely for Him, in a way that He created in the western Ugandan culture.  I have never felt this kind of joy and freedom in America, to revel in Him in this way.  How great His light shines, especially when we just enjoy Him and celebrate!  We have so much to celebrate in our Lord Jesus, but how often do we do it?  How often do we even let ourselves feel that kind of joy, joy and peace that can only come from knowing that your sins are forgiven, that we are free in Christ, and we have peace in our hearts.  All of this should set us free to dance. Dance, for you are free!

1 comment:

Stephanie Pauline said...

Awesome Jenny! I think I've experienced some of what you are experiencing when I was in Trinidad and Tobago. Freedome and joy filled worship! What a THRILL! If we will just give ourselves over to it what power there is to overcome just in that alone. The joy of the Lord is our strength and its for the joy set before us that we have the power to endure the cross. How sad that we squelch the expression of joy in our churches with a sense of the "appropriate" whatever that means. David danced and was scorned by man for it, and loved by God for the same!

Go Jenny go! Dance! Sing! Live! Love! Praise God! I'm so thankful that God has put you where you can experience His heart in your life in an even deeper, and unique way!